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The Autumnlands (2014), Volume 1

The debut collection of the hit epic-fantasy series. When the wizards of the Autumnlands reach through time to bring back a legendary hero, they don't get the savior they expected. But in a shattered, besieged city, he's their only hope of survival-and possibly their entire world's, as well. Collects THE AUTUMNLANDS: TOOTH & CLAW #1-6.. Author: Kurt Busiek. Illustrator: Ben Dewey . 2015 Kurt Busiek and Ben Dewey.

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The debut collection of the hit epic-fantasy series. When the wizards of the Autumnlands reach through time to bring back a legendary hero, they don't get the savior they expected. But in a shattered, besieged city, he's their only hope of survival-and possibly their entire world's, as well. Collects THE AUTUMNLANDS: TOOTH & CLAW #1-6.. Author: Kurt Busiek. Illustrator: Ben Dewey . 2015 Kurt Busiek and Ben Dewey.

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