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Chrononauts (2015), Volume 2

THE BOYS ARE BACK. Time-traveling physicists and best friends Corbin Quinn and Danny Reilly attempt to conquer the future in their latest adventure. But when their own mission goes awry, a face from the past calls upon them to fulfill a unique, and sinister, assignment. A little bit older but none the wiser, Corbin and Danny return with a BANG in the second volume of this MARK MILLAR classic. Collects CHRONONAUTS: FUTURESHOCK #1-4. Author: Mark Millar. Illustrator: Eric Canete. 2020 Netflix Entertainment, LLC.

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THE BOYS ARE BACK. Time-traveling physicists and best friends Corbin Quinn and Danny Reilly attempt to conquer the future in their latest adventure. But when their own mission goes awry, a face from the past calls upon them to fulfill a unique, and sinister, assignment. A little bit older but none the wiser, Corbin and Danny return with a BANG in the second volume of this MARK MILLAR classic. Collects CHRONONAUTS: FUTURESHOCK #1-4. Author: Mark Millar. Illustrator: Eric Canete. 2020 Netflix Entertainment, LLC.

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