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Plants vs. Zombies (2013), Volume 3

The best-selling game adaptation roars forward! Sun-powered, plant-driven speedsters versus imp-powered, zombie-driven hot rods! Let the races begin! Crazy Dave takes on the incredibly tough Don't Blink video game—and he also challenges Dr. Zomboss to a series of races to determine the future of Neighborville! The car-filled competition is underway! Paul Tobin and Ron Chan return to deliver another hilarious zombie battle to your burg! Collects issues #7–#9 of the series. * Eisner Award winner Paul Tobin continues his hilarious PVZ run! * The official comic of the addictive video games!

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OverDrive Read



The best-selling game adaptation roars forward! Sun-powered, plant-driven speedsters versus imp-powered, zombie-driven hot rods! Let the races begin! Crazy Dave takes on the incredibly tough Don't Blink video game—and he also challenges Dr. Zomboss to a series of races to determine the future of Neighborville! The car-filled competition is underway! Paul Tobin and Ron Chan return to deliver another hilarious zombie battle to your burg! Collects issues #7–#9 of the series. * Eisner Award winner Paul Tobin continues his hilarious PVZ run! * The official comic of the addictive video games!

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