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Sheltered (2013), Volume 3

The children of Safe Haven sacrificed their own families in an attempt to survive a disaster that's poised to wipe out 90% of North America. However, the outside world is closing in and the kids have turned their sanctuary into a war zone. The end of the world is now the LEAST of their concerns. Collects SHELTERED #11-15 -- the final arc! . Author: Ed Brisson. Illustrator: Johnnie Christmas . 2015 Ed Brisson & Johnnie Christmas.

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The children of Safe Haven sacrificed their own families in an attempt to survive a disaster that's poised to wipe out 90% of North America. However, the outside world is closing in and the kids have turned their sanctuary into a war zone. The end of the world is now the LEAST of their concerns. Collects SHELTERED #11-15 -- the final arc! . Author: Ed Brisson. Illustrator: Johnnie Christmas . 2015 Ed Brisson & Johnnie Christmas.

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