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Die (2018), Volume 1

THE WICKED + THE DIVINE writer KIERON GILLEN teams up with artist supernova STEPHANIE HANS (THE WICKED + THE DIVINE, Journey Into Mystery) for her first ongoing comic! DIE is a pitch-black fantasy where a group of forty-something adults have to deal with the returning, unearthly horror they only just survived as teenage role-players. If KIERON's in a rush, he describes it as "Goth Jumanji", but that's only the tip of this critically acclaimed obsidian iceberg. Collects DIE #1-5. Author: Kieron Gillen. Illustrator: Stephanie Hans . 2019 Kieron Gillen Limited & Stephanie Hans.

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Reihe: Die (2018) Herausgeber: Image Comics Ausgabe: Collected

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781534314894
  • Freigabedatum: 5. Juni 2019



OverDrive Read



THE WICKED + THE DIVINE writer KIERON GILLEN teams up with artist supernova STEPHANIE HANS (THE WICKED + THE DIVINE, Journey Into Mystery) for her first ongoing comic! DIE is a pitch-black fantasy where a group of forty-something adults have to deal with the returning, unearthly horror they only just survived as teenage role-players. If KIERON's in a rush, he describes it as "Goth Jumanji", but that's only the tip of this critically acclaimed obsidian iceberg. Collects DIE #1-5. Author: Kieron Gillen. Illustrator: Stephanie Hans . 2019 Kieron Gillen Limited & Stephanie Hans.

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