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Redneck (2017), Volume 1

The Bowmans are VAMPIRES who have quietly run the local barbecue joint in their small town for years, living off cows' blood. Their peaceful coexistence ends as generations of hate, fear, and bad blood bubble to the surface.making it impossible to separate man from monster! Critically acclaimed writer DONNY CATES (GOD COUNTRY) and artist LISANDRO ESTHERREN serve up the tale of a DIFFERENT kind of family just trying to get by, deep in the heart of Texas. Collects REDNECK #1-6. Author: Donny Cates. Illustrator: Lisandro Estherren, Dee Cunniffe . 2017 Skybound, LLC.

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Reihe: Redneck (2017) Herausgeber: Image Comics Ausgabe: Collected

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781534307254
  • Freigabedatum: 25. Oktober 2017


OverDrive Read



The Bowmans are VAMPIRES who have quietly run the local barbecue joint in their small town for years, living off cows' blood. Their peaceful coexistence ends as generations of hate, fear, and bad blood bubble to the surface.making it impossible to separate man from monster! Critically acclaimed writer DONNY CATES (GOD COUNTRY) and artist LISANDRO ESTHERREN serve up the tale of a DIFFERENT kind of family just trying to get by, deep in the heart of Texas. Collects REDNECK #1-6. Author: Donny Cates. Illustrator: Lisandro Estherren, Dee Cunniffe . 2017 Skybound, LLC.

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