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Kick-Ass: The Dave Lizewski Years, Book 3

Dave Lizewski has taken a HORRIFYING and EXHILARATING plunge. Armed with minimal combat training and a pair of batons, he donned a mask and set out to become a real superhero, Kick-Ass. And he succeeded. Wildly. Kick-Ass and tween black belt Hit-Girl took on the mafia.and won. But his arch nemesis Red Mist now thinks superheroes are pass_ and has become the world's most notorious super villain. His first target? Dave Lizewski's family. Collects KICK-ASS 2: BALLS TO THE WALL #1-7. Author: Mark Millar. Illustrator: John Romita Jr. . 2018 Dave and Eggsy Ltd. and John S Romita.

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Reihe: Kick-Ass (2008) Herausgeber: Image Comics Ausgabe: Collected

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781534308879
  • Freigabedatum: 16. Februar 2018


OverDrive Read



Dave Lizewski has taken a HORRIFYING and EXHILARATING plunge. Armed with minimal combat training and a pair of batons, he donned a mask and set out to become a real superhero, Kick-Ass. And he succeeded. Wildly. Kick-Ass and tween black belt Hit-Girl took on the mafia.and won. But his arch nemesis Red Mist now thinks superheroes are pass_ and has become the world's most notorious super villain. His first target? Dave Lizewski's family. Collects KICK-ASS 2: BALLS TO THE WALL #1-7. Author: Mark Millar. Illustrator: John Romita Jr. . 2018 Dave and Eggsy Ltd. and John S Romita.

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