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X-Men Blue (2017), Volume 1

Collects X-Men: Blue (2017) #1-6. Like a bolt from the blue, the original X-Men reunite - like never before! This time, Jean Grey takes her place as leader, and Cyclops, Iceman, Angel and Beast must follow her into action as they seek to bring mutant criminals to justice and restore a heroic sheen to their team. But how can they do that when their new mentor is their old mentor's arch-frenemy? That's right - Magneto has joined the original X-Men! But due to their long history with the Master of Magnetism, not everyone on the squad can put old rivalries aside... With tensions rising, can the X-Men come together to be a cohesive force for good? Or will ulterior motives and personal quests derail the entire enterprise? At the end of the day...who can be trusted?

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Collects X-Men: Blue (2017) #1-6. Like a bolt from the blue, the original X-Men reunite - like never before! This time, Jean Grey takes her place as leader, and Cyclops, Iceman, Angel and Beast must follow her into action as they seek to bring mutant criminals to justice and restore a heroic sheen to their team. But how can they do that when their new mentor is their old mentor's arch-frenemy? That's right - Magneto has joined the original X-Men! But due to their long history with the Master of Magnetism, not everyone on the squad can put old rivalries aside... With tensions rising, can the X-Men come together to be a cohesive force for good? Or will ulterior motives and personal quests derail the entire enterprise? At the end of the day...who can be trusted?

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