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Wall-E is the last robot left on Earth, who spends his days with the impossible task of cleaning up the mess humans left behind. When another robot, Eve, arrives on a mission to find out if Earth is inhabitable again, Wall-E is smitten. Unfortunately, she is focused solely on her mission, and once it is accomplished she heads back to the ship where the remainder of the human race lives. The lovelorn Wall-E follows her, and finds himself in strange new surroundings. He not only has to find Eve, but is also forced to confront Autopilot for the future of the Humanity.

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OverDrive Read



Wall-E is the last robot left on Earth, who spends his days with the impossible task of cleaning up the mess humans left behind. When another robot, Eve, arrives on a mission to find out if Earth is inhabitable again, Wall-E is smitten. Unfortunately, she is focused solely on her mission, and once it is accomplished she heads back to the ship where the remainder of the human race lives. The lovelorn Wall-E follows her, and finds himself in strange new surroundings. He not only has to find Eve, but is also forced to confront Autopilot for the future of the Humanity.

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