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Ultraheroes (2012), Issue 2

It's a fight to the finish when Super Goof and the Ultra Heroes cross horns with the Sinister 7 over possession of the precious Ultrapods... the key to World Domination! But with the Ultra Heroes behind on their training and slacking off, things don't look very promising. Can Super Goof and Mickey Mouse rally the heroes and defeat the Sinister 7 before all of the Ultrapods fall into the wrong hands?

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It's a fight to the finish when Super Goof and the Ultra Heroes cross horns with the Sinister 7 over possession of the precious Ultrapods... the key to World Domination! But with the Ultra Heroes behind on their training and slacking off, things don't look very promising. Can Super Goof and Mickey Mouse rally the heroes and defeat the Sinister 7 before all of the Ultrapods fall into the wrong hands?

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