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Disney/PIXAR Toy Story 2

Are all toys fated to be forgotten? When Woody breaks his arm, he's retired with other broken toys and misses going to Cowboy Camp with Andy! Will Buzz Lightyear and his other toy friends forget him too or will they come to the rescue? Meanwhile, a greedy collector has other plans for Woody and a new set of friends, including Jessie, a beautiful cowgirl, who's been hurt before.

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Are all toys fated to be forgotten? When Woody breaks his arm, he's retired with other broken toys and misses going to Cowboy Camp with Andy! Will Buzz Lightyear and his other toy friends forget him too or will they come to the rescue? Meanwhile, a greedy collector has other plans for Woody and a new set of friends, including Jessie, a beautiful cowgirl, who's been hurt before.

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