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Locke & Key (2008), Volume 3

The dead plot against the living, the darkness closes in on Keyhouse, and a woman is shattered beyond repair, in the third storyline of the Eisner-nominated series. Dodge continues his relentless quest to find the key to the black door, and raises an army of shadows to wipe out anyone who might get in his way. Surrounded and outnumbered, the Locke children find themselves fighting a desperate battle, all alone, in a world where the night itself has become their enemy. Author: Joe Hill. Illustrator: Gabriel Rodriguez. © 2010 Joe Hill, art © Idea and Design Works, LLC.

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OverDrive Read



The dead plot against the living, the darkness closes in on Keyhouse, and a woman is shattered beyond repair, in the third storyline of the Eisner-nominated series. Dodge continues his relentless quest to find the key to the black door, and raises an army of shadows to wipe out anyone who might get in his way. Surrounded and outnumbered, the Locke children find themselves fighting a desperate battle, all alone, in a world where the night itself has become their enemy. Author: Joe Hill. Illustrator: Gabriel Rodriguez. © 2010 Joe Hill, art © Idea and Design Works, LLC.

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