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The wonder is back! At 19 years-old, Alice must decide what to do with her life and finds herself going down the rabbit hole, once again. With the help of her old friends, including the fabulously insane, Mad Hatter, Alice will go on a magical journey of self-discovery, where the stakes are higher than ever. Has she gone mad? Or, will she embrace her destiny and save Wonderland, once and for all, from the Queen of Heart's reign of terror?

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The wonder is back! At 19 years-old, Alice must decide what to do with her life and finds herself going down the rabbit hole, once again. With the help of her old friends, including the fabulously insane, Mad Hatter, Alice will go on a magical journey of self-discovery, where the stakes are higher than ever. Has she gone mad? Or, will she embrace her destiny and save Wonderland, once and for all, from the Queen of Heart's reign of terror?

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