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Star Wars, Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Faithfully capturing the galaxy-spanning action of The Force Awakens, join Rey, Finn, BB-8, Kylo Ren, and all your favorite characters, new and old, on the adventure of a lifetime! Experience Episode VII in a whole new way before catching the new movie in theaters later this year! This beautiful graphic novel combines the awe-inspiring wonder of Star Wars with the streamlined designs of Disney animation, making it a must-read for longtime fans and a great introduction for newcomers!

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OverDrive Read



Faithfully capturing the galaxy-spanning action of The Force Awakens, join Rey, Finn, BB-8, Kylo Ren, and all your favorite characters, new and old, on the adventure of a lifetime! Experience Episode VII in a whole new way before catching the new movie in theaters later this year! This beautiful graphic novel combines the awe-inspiring wonder of Star Wars with the streamlined designs of Disney animation, making it a must-read for longtime fans and a great introduction for newcomers!

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