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Pippi in the South Seas

When Pippi’s father, the king, sends for her, she decides to take her best friends Tommy and Annika with her to Kurrekurredutt Island. The island is fantastic and Pippi has one crazy adventure after another! Pippi is even made a princess—-Princess Pippilotta. But will Pippi and her friends really want to live on the island forever, never to return to Villa Villekulla?
"Any reappearance of the irrepressible Pippi Longstocking is cause for celebration. This installment is no exception." -The New York Times

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Lexile® Measure:850

When Pippi’s father, the king, sends for her, she decides to take her best friends Tommy and Annika with her to Kurrekurredutt Island. The island is fantastic and Pippi has one crazy adventure after another! Pippi is even made a princess—-Princess Pippilotta. But will Pippi and her friends really want to live on the island forever, never to return to Villa Villekulla?
"Any reappearance of the irrepressible Pippi Longstocking is cause for celebration. This installment is no exception." -The New York Times

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