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The Goon: Bunch Of Old Crap Omnibus, Volume 3

Fear and misery plague the nameless town on the edge of Horse-Eater's Wood.An ancient curse is drawing the most powerful and vile creatures to the town with only one hope for protection—the Goon. But when it draws an enemy thought long gone, even the Goon's lifelong foe, the Zombie Priest, is subjugated to this power's evil will.Collects The Goon Volumes 7-9 with bonus material.

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Fear and misery plague the nameless town on the edge of Horse-Eater's Wood.An ancient curse is drawing the most powerful and vile creatures to the town with only one hope for protection—the Goon. But when it draws an enemy thought long gone, even the Goon's lifelong foe, the Zombie Priest, is subjugated to this power's evil will.Collects The Goon Volumes 7-9 with bonus material.

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