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Launching a new graphic novel series for young middle-grade readers! Shelley Frankenstein loves to create scary monsters, but for some reason they always turn out cute…until this time. Shelley Frankenstein is a little girl with a rather infamous family heritage! She loves to be scared and assumes all other kids feel the same. To prove her theory, Shelley and her assistant brother, Iggy, set about creating new toys to horrify their playground peers. But all of their experiments backfire in a completely unexpected way. What a disappointment! Then one day, they stumble upon a pretty spooky place—the Frankenstein family graveyard—which gives Shelley an idea for the ULTIMATE monster... CowPiggy! Will this new creation send everyone running in terror, like a proper monster should? Or will love and silliness triumph? Find out in this delightfully upside-down graphic novel from best-selling artist Colleen Madden.

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OverDrive Read



Launching a new graphic novel series for young middle-grade readers! Shelley Frankenstein loves to create scary monsters, but for some reason they always turn out cute…until this time. Shelley Frankenstein is a little girl with a rather infamous family heritage! She loves to be scared and assumes all other kids feel the same. To prove her theory, Shelley and her assistant brother, Iggy, set about creating new toys to horrify their playground peers. But all of their experiments backfire in a completely unexpected way. What a disappointment! Then one day, they stumble upon a pretty spooky place—the Frankenstein family graveyard—which gives Shelley an idea for the ULTIMATE monster... CowPiggy! Will this new creation send everyone running in terror, like a proper monster should? Or will love and silliness triumph? Find out in this delightfully upside-down graphic novel from best-selling artist Colleen Madden.

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