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30 Days Of Night (2023), Volume One

Revisit the vampire tale that kick-started a modern horror comics revival with its explosively fast and violent action! A town plunged into darkness, a group of vampires hungry for blood, and only a husband-and-wife sheriff’s team to stop them. This premise set the stage for an iconic horror franchise that went on to become a feature-length film from Sony Pictures in 2007. Join co-creators Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith in the original 30 Days of Night series, Dark Days, Return to Barrow, and the 2004 Annual, plus a number of extras that go behind the scenes of this innovative horror series!

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OverDrive Read



Revisit the vampire tale that kick-started a modern horror comics revival with its explosively fast and violent action! A town plunged into darkness, a group of vampires hungry for blood, and only a husband-and-wife sheriff’s team to stop them. This premise set the stage for an iconic horror franchise that went on to become a feature-length film from Sony Pictures in 2007. Join co-creators Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith in the original 30 Days of Night series, Dark Days, Return to Barrow, and the 2004 Annual, plus a number of extras that go behind the scenes of this innovative horror series!

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