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Alien (2023), Volume 1

Collects Alien (2023A) #1-5. Declan Shalvey and Andrea Broccardo take the ALIEN franchise to bone-chilling new depths! Talbot Engineering Inc. is under new management - and its brilliant chief scientist, Batya Zahn, will do just about anything to get her family off the icy moon where they've been conducting research on water conservation. But there's more than glacial springs to find in this forgotten corner of the galaxy. When they discover an extraordinary organism buried in the ice, it doesn't take long for tensions to heat up. What is hidden in the snow comes forth in the thaw - and no one will be welcoming this spring. But Zahn is not willing to give up her work to this unexpected threat without a fight, no matter what horrors emerge from the ice in the black of night!

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Collects Alien (2023A) #1-5. Declan Shalvey and Andrea Broccardo take the ALIEN franchise to bone-chilling new depths! Talbot Engineering Inc. is under new management - and its brilliant chief scientist, Batya Zahn, will do just about anything to get her family off the icy moon where they've been conducting research on water conservation. But there's more than glacial springs to find in this forgotten corner of the galaxy. When they discover an extraordinary organism buried in the ice, it doesn't take long for tensions to heat up. What is hidden in the snow comes forth in the thaw - and no one will be welcoming this spring. But Zahn is not willing to give up her work to this unexpected threat without a fight, no matter what horrors emerge from the ice in the black of night!

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