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Daredevil & Echo

SOMETHING STIRS BENEATH HELL'S KITCHEN! For months, the bloodthirsty and demonic DEMOGOBLIN has been kidnapping children for reasons unknown. IN THIS SERIES, Daredevil and Echo discover why - as Demogoblin works to wake an ancient and powerful evil deep within the bowels of the city. Reunited at last with Echo, herself fresh from a brief time as the host of the Phoenix force, it falls to DAREDEVIL to stop Demagoblin and save not only the children, but everyone in New York!

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SOMETHING STIRS BENEATH HELL'S KITCHEN! For months, the bloodthirsty and demonic DEMOGOBLIN has been kidnapping children for reasons unknown. IN THIS SERIES, Daredevil and Echo discover why - as Demogoblin works to wake an ancient and powerful evil deep within the bowels of the city. Reunited at last with Echo, herself fresh from a brief time as the host of the Phoenix force, it falls to DAREDEVIL to stop Demagoblin and save not only the children, but everyone in New York!

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