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Black Solstice

From the minds of Martin Desmond Roe and Travon Free, the Academy Award winning writing duo behind the film TWO DISTANT STRANGERS, comes a brand-new graphic novel!Last winter solstice the whole world turned upside down when every single Black person gained a superpower that lasted exactly one day before disappearing entirely. It's three days until the next solstice, and everyone on earth is anxiously holding their breath to see if it happens again. Everyone except the Wallace kids—they're betting their lives their powers will return and they plan to use them to change everything. . .for everyone.

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OverDrive Read



From the minds of Martin Desmond Roe and Travon Free, the Academy Award winning writing duo behind the film TWO DISTANT STRANGERS, comes a brand-new graphic novel!Last winter solstice the whole world turned upside down when every single Black person gained a superpower that lasted exactly one day before disappearing entirely. It's three days until the next solstice, and everyone on earth is anxiously holding their breath to see if it happens again. Everyone except the Wallace kids—they're betting their lives their powers will return and they plan to use them to change everything. . .for everyone.

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