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Cain tells the thrilling and mysterious neo-noir tale of a blind professional hitman, operating within a relentless underworld environment of criminal violence, sex, betrayal, and death. Meet Cain, born blind, but with a unique ability to sense the world around him. Raised from birth by rouge CIA agents, he's grown into a borderline alcoholic and sex addict who travels the globe, living off the grid and taking out gangsters, deviants, and corrupt politicians—all while engaging in his own hedonistic pursuits as a hitman.

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Cain tells the thrilling and mysterious neo-noir tale of a blind professional hitman, operating within a relentless underworld environment of criminal violence, sex, betrayal, and death. Meet Cain, born blind, but with a unique ability to sense the world around him. Raised from birth by rouge CIA agents, he's grown into a borderline alcoholic and sex addict who travels the globe, living off the grid and taking out gangsters, deviants, and corrupt politicians—all while engaging in his own hedonistic pursuits as a hitman.

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