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Spider-Man (2022), Volume 2

Collects Spider-Man (2022) #8-11. The Spider-Verse event has ended, and Spider-Man must pick up the pieces. But Peter Parker has changed. His powers are super-charged, enabling him to be the best Spider-Man he can be - but can his all-too-human body take the strain? Meanwhile, Electro has also leveled up - and he's out to shock his old foe to death once and for all! And Norman Osborn is about to do something that may put an end to his new amicable relationship with Spidey. Plus: Spinning out of the restored Web of Life and Destiny, the spectacular Spider-Boy returns! But who is this spunky sidekick who nobody remembers, and what is his connection to Spider-Man?!

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Collects Spider-Man (2022) #8-11. The Spider-Verse event has ended, and Spider-Man must pick up the pieces. But Peter Parker has changed. His powers are super-charged, enabling him to be the best Spider-Man he can be - but can his all-too-human body take the strain? Meanwhile, Electro has also leveled up - and he's out to shock his old foe to death once and for all! And Norman Osborn is about to do something that may put an end to his new amicable relationship with Spidey. Plus: Spinning out of the restored Web of Life and Destiny, the spectacular Spider-Boy returns! But who is this spunky sidekick who nobody remembers, and what is his connection to Spider-Man?!

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