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Tomahawk Angel, Volume 1

In the year 2050, an 18-year-old amnesiac wakes up to a ruined world overrun by monsters.Guided by an artificial superintelligence, a ruthless scientist unleashes hell on Earth to preserve only a fraction of humankind. Love and war await as the mysteries of this corrupt new world unfold!Tomahawk Angel is written and drawn by celebrated creator Odysseas Theodoratos (aka Mangaka Ody), as part of the new collaboration between Dark Horse and Tapas.

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In the year 2050, an 18-year-old amnesiac wakes up to a ruined world overrun by monsters.Guided by an artificial superintelligence, a ruthless scientist unleashes hell on Earth to preserve only a fraction of humankind. Love and war await as the mysteries of this corrupt new world unfold!Tomahawk Angel is written and drawn by celebrated creator Odysseas Theodoratos (aka Mangaka Ody), as part of the new collaboration between Dark Horse and Tapas.

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