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Psychic Powers - What Can An Open Mind Achieve?

Psychic Powers - What Can An Open Mind Achieve?

Can ordinary people really see the future, remotely influence the minds of others, or tell whether a person in a photograph is alive or dead? Remarkably, recent studies have provided evidence that all of these and other psychic powers may in fact be real: not just for the lucky few, but for ordinary people like you. We explore the exciting potential for precognition, ESP, and other strange powers like telekinesis (the ability to move objects with the mind): examining the evidence, sifting through the arguments, weeding out the frauds and the badly-designed studies, and presenting the current state of understanding—including how to access these powers, if they're real, in your own life.

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Häufigkeit: Einmal Herausgeber: A360 Media, LLC Ausgabe: Psychic Powers - What Can An Open Mind Achieve?

OverDrive Magazine

  • Freigabedatum: 19. Januar 2024


OverDrive Magazine



Can ordinary people really see the future, remotely influence the minds of others, or tell whether a person in a photograph is alive or dead? Remarkably, recent studies have provided evidence that all of these and other psychic powers may in fact be real: not just for the lucky few, but for ordinary people like you. We explore the exciting potential for precognition, ESP, and other strange powers like telekinesis (the ability to move objects with the mind): examining the evidence, sifting through the arguments, weeding out the frauds and the badly-designed studies, and presenting the current state of understanding—including how to access these powers, if they're real, in your own life.

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