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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Secret of Chesbro House and Others

Follow Hellboy through haunted houses, to ghostly Budapest, and even into ancient Greece as he battles ghosts, settles supernatural family feuds, and comes face to face the goddess Aphrodite!Rediscover some of the most beloved Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. stories, including The Secret of Chesbro House, Night of the Cyclops, Old Man Whittier, Time is a River and connected short story "The Miser's Gift."Hellboy creator Mike Mignola is joined by writer Christopher Golden, artists Shawn McManus, Márk Lászlo, Olivier Vatine and Gabriel Hernández Walta, and colorist Dave Stewart, for this haunting collection of tales!

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Follow Hellboy through haunted houses, to ghostly Budapest, and even into ancient Greece as he battles ghosts, settles supernatural family feuds, and comes face to face the goddess Aphrodite!Rediscover some of the most beloved Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. stories, including The Secret of Chesbro House, Night of the Cyclops, Old Man Whittier, Time is a River and connected short story "The Miser's Gift."Hellboy creator Mike Mignola is joined by writer Christopher Golden, artists Shawn McManus, Márk Lászlo, Olivier Vatine and Gabriel Hernández Walta, and colorist Dave Stewart, for this haunting collection of tales!

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