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Captain America Symbol Of Truth (2022), Volume 1

Collects Captain America (2022) #0 and Captain America: Symbol Of Truth #1-6. Captain America soars again in a new era for truth and liberty! The world is finally ready for two Caps, so Sam Wilson picks up a shield once more - and enters a world of trouble! Following a lead from Misty Knight, Sam intercepts a mysterious group hijacking what appears to be an empty train. But as Sam and his partner, the new Falcon, dig deeper, they discover that this plot may be connected to a crucial piece of Captain America history - and, surprisingly, to the nation of Wakanda! But how is Deadpool involved?! To find answers, Sam Wilson and Wade Wilson must team up in Latveria - and you know what that means! When Doctor Doom learns of the interlopers in his midst, can Cap escape with his life?

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Collects Captain America (2022) #0 and Captain America: Symbol Of Truth #1-6. Captain America soars again in a new era for truth and liberty! The world is finally ready for two Caps, so Sam Wilson picks up a shield once more - and enters a world of trouble! Following a lead from Misty Knight, Sam intercepts a mysterious group hijacking what appears to be an empty train. But as Sam and his partner, the new Falcon, dig deeper, they discover that this plot may be connected to a crucial piece of Captain America history - and, surprisingly, to the nation of Wakanda! But how is Deadpool involved?! To find answers, Sam Wilson and Wade Wilson must team up in Latveria - and you know what that means! When Doctor Doom learns of the interlopers in his midst, can Cap escape with his life?

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