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Immortal X-Men (2022), Volume 2

Collects IMMORTAL X-MEN (2022) #7-10. Judgment comes, courtesy of the Eternals…and the Quiet Council grows suspiciously quiet. With one notable exception: Do you think a man devoted to Hellfire cares one jot? Let's find out! Plus, even if you're the heart of the X-Men, there are days you just want to tear out other people's hearts. Judgment day is one of them. What extreme steps will Nightcrawler take in the name of the Spark?

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Collects IMMORTAL X-MEN (2022) #7-10. Judgment comes, courtesy of the Eternals…and the Quiet Council grows suspiciously quiet. With one notable exception: Do you think a man devoted to Hellfire cares one jot? Let's find out! Plus, even if you're the heart of the X-Men, there are days you just want to tear out other people's hearts. Judgment day is one of them. What extreme steps will Nightcrawler take in the name of the Spark?

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