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Nailbiter (2014), Volume 2

Army interrogator Nicholas Finch is hot on the trail of why sixteen of the world's worst serial killers are all from the same small town, but his path to answers is littered with deadly intentions. There are dark forces that don't want the secrets of Buckaroo and its murderous past to be revealed. And the Nailbiter himself has to deal with being thrown in the spotlight again! Guest-stars ultimate comic writer BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS!. Author: Joshua Williamson. Illustrator: Mike Henderson . 2015 Joshua Williamson and Mike Henderson.

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Army interrogator Nicholas Finch is hot on the trail of why sixteen of the world's worst serial killers are all from the same small town, but his path to answers is littered with deadly intentions. There are dark forces that don't want the secrets of Buckaroo and its murderous past to be revealed. And the Nailbiter himself has to deal with being thrown in the spotlight again! Guest-stars ultimate comic writer BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS!. Author: Joshua Williamson. Illustrator: Mike Henderson . 2015 Joshua Williamson and Mike Henderson.

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