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X-Mickey (2002), Issue 17

Follow Mickey, Pipwolf and Manny as they go into the Land of the Impossible to solve the mystery of an ancient sarcophagus! Les Trick, the famous illusionist has gone missing during one of his tricks. To get him back, Pipwolf will have to act like a guide, even though he's scared to take the test… But, will he do it? Or will the sarcophagus kidnap his friends into an unknown dimension for eternity?

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OverDrive Read



Follow Mickey, Pipwolf and Manny as they go into the Land of the Impossible to solve the mystery of an ancient sarcophagus! Les Trick, the famous illusionist has gone missing during one of his tricks. To get him back, Pipwolf will have to act like a guide, even though he's scared to take the test… But, will he do it? Or will the sarcophagus kidnap his friends into an unknown dimension for eternity?

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